Emily Nicole
Emily Nicole

Emily Nicole

Discipline: Climbing Team


Born in France and raised in Northern California, my passion for climbing began in 2001 when I was 8 years old. As a youth competition climber, I spent my childhood traveling to competitions and climbing outside. After taking time off to attend university and work in fashion, I realized bouldering was my #1 love and I dedicated myself to being the best climber I can be. 

I love inspiring others to believe in the “impossible” because I believe we are all limitless. I am passionate about climbing hard, powerful boulder problems and giving it all I got. If my fingers aren't bleeding by the end of a climbing trip, I don't feel satisfied!



1 | “The Red Wave” V10 in Red Rocks, Las Vegas
2 | “Last Dance” v9 (bishop), “Mini Me” v9 (bishop), “Cocktail Sauce” v9 (bishop), “legacy of the kid” v9 (Durango), “Fresh Tips” v8 (Tahoe), “Sweet Spot” (Tahoe), “Nitiri” v9 (Tahoe), “Wish You Were Here” v9 (Castle Rock), “Monkey Bar Direct” v8 (Red Rocks), My Tan v7 (Red Rocks), “Spitting Venom” v8/9 (Red Rocks), “Sunshine Eliminate” v9 (mortar rock), “Impossible Wall” v8 (mortar rock)
3 | Being a boy mom
4 | Self-taught artist
5 | Sending 3 v9s in one weekend when I was 12 years old: “dirty martini on the rocks”, “PFOS”, “this is your brain on drugs” (Hueco Tanks)
6 | Being part of the USA Youth National Climbing Team for years and North American Continental Champion in 2004



+1 inches (I'm 5'7'' so 5'8'')


Bio photo: © Alex Manikowski | Banner photo: © Justin Proctor 

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